Thursday, February 15, 2018

Watercolor and ink sketch of Port Isaac in Cornwall, England

Port Isaac is an authentic old fishing village on the north coast of old Cornwall in the UK.  Currently the successful television series "Doc Martin" films there, and on the show the village is called St. Ives.  The village is nothing like one sees in California or most of the U.S.  Port Isaac draws me there because of its fishing village authenticity, its impossibly narrow streets and pathways, its ancient buildings, the quaintly named homes with their colorful exteriors, the near-constant sound of frantic seagulls, and the smell of salt air.  After my most recent trip there, I made this sketch with pen and watercolor looking north across the bay.
Port Isaac from Doc Martin's Surgery
Watercolor and Pen & Ink, 15" x 11"
I photographed the above image with my Android phone, and accessed the filters of my Prisma app.  I chose one of its many creatively brilliant filters, and ended up with this nearly monotone but intriguely textured image:
Port Isaac (with Prisma Filter Applied)
This blog will feature all kinds of arts as well as crafts for adults.  I welcome your comments and hope to see you here again!